What is parental support?
As a parent, you provide emotional and physical care for your children throughout their lives. You are their first line of defence and teach them about the world. Ensuring your child’s health and happiness can be stressful at times, which is why parental support can be useful.
Parental support offers guidance as you navigate changes in your child’s life. Ranging from chronic disease management and lifestyle habits to mental health wellbeing and parenting techniques, parental support helps you provide the best care for your child.
Dr Shah encourages parents and children to interact in meaningful ways, laying the groundwork for the kind of supportive bonds that foster flourishing growth. Parents can ask questions and learn about healthy practices to encourage positive growth and development. Furthermore, through parental support, parents can better understand their children’s needs.
Dr Shah will be a helpful guide for parents navigating the challenges of raising a child. Whether they are frequently ill or going through a difficult time, you can learn what your child needs to thrive. To ensure all families have access to proven practises and resources to create lasting change, Dr Shah aspires to push the boundaries of what is possible during the paediatric well-child visit.